Patients FAQs


This section is for frequently asked questions by patients and this is the responses to the queries provided by the practice

Question - I want to use  repeat prescription on my computer?

Answer - You can register for this service by following this link CLICK HERE to give you the option to register for online services at Aspen

If you are not registered click 'NO' and use this link CLICK HERE  to complete the online repeat prescription.

To save more time in the future, patients may want to consider using the NHS App or Patient Online Services to register and sign in for repeat prescriptions services. 

Question - What is a Care Navigator?

Answer - A Care Navigator is person who helps ensure that patients get to the right place and see the right person in the most appropriate time frame relating to the information the patients give them. They are part of a Care Navigation team.  They are members of staff who have undergone additional training in information gathering from patients and in prioritising how and by whom you need to be reviewed by or given advice. They can seek help from the Navigation Doctor for that day. They will help you see the best person who can help you. They will direct you to other resources such as pharmacy, A&E or minor injuries units if more appropriate. They can also support you how to self-refer to talking therapies or physiotherapy if that is what you need.  If a home visit is required they will dispatch the Visiting Doctor, however this is for End of Life and vulnerable patients who are housebound. 

Question - Who else works alongside the Care Navigation Team?

Answer - We have a Navigation Doctor working alongside the Care Navigation team.

Question - What does the Care Navigation team do?

Answer - To ensure a smooth patient journey we try and ensure you see the right clinician first time. This helps to minimise wasted appointments. We also have to work with limited resources against high levels of demand. This means that patients with routine problems will need to wait for an appointment. In contrast if you are very unwell, you will be seen more quickly. We also need to ensure that patients with potentially infective symptoms are seen in our Hot Hub by the Hot Hub Doctor away from vulnerable patients and staff.  You might only see a couple of staff members on reception but behind the scenes the practice has a complete ‘army’ of care navigators, as well as Clinical Pharmacists who work throughout the opening hours to provide this service.

Question - Why does it take so long to get through on the phone?

Answer - We realise the wait time can be prolonged and that you feel frustrated when you are, for example, number 31 in the queue. We have around 14 members of staff answering the phone so this number should drop quickly.  We continue to work to reduce the time people wait on the phone. We have recruited new members of the Care Navigation Team. We still have some vacancies and are working hard to recruit more members for the team. New Care Navigators do take time to train and require mentoring and support from existing staff.  If you are able to complete an eConsult for non-urgent issues this really helps to reduce waiting times and frees up the phone lines for vulnerable patients or those who cannot access support digitally.

Question - Why can't I  book a face to face appointment directly?

Answer - We are still operating a split site model to ensure potentially infectious patients are kept away from other patients and staff, especially those who are more vulnerable to infectious diseases due to medication or medical problems.  We are actively recruiting more doctors to provide additional appointments. With limited resources we have to manage patients where it is safe and appropriate to do so on the phone.  We have Doctors every day seeing patients face to face who do need an examination, and this has been the case throughout the pandemic. GPs have never been ‘shut’ or ‘hiding’.  We do need time to train and upskill our care navigators to know which patients need a face to face review and who can be managed on the phone and what a safe time frame for that patient contact is.  We have a Navigation Doctor working within the Care Navigation Team supporting them to book a patient directly for a face to face appointment where it is clearly indicated.  It really helps us and the Care Navigators if you can give them as much information as possible. Completing an eConsult also gives additional information which helps us navigate the patient to the correct place.

Question - Why can't patients book a nurse appointment for chronic disease review?

Answer - We have now recruited three Health Care Associates and two new Nurses. This will create more capacity in the treatment room team for chronic disease management. Our current nurses are also undergoing additional qualifications in diabetes, asthma and COPD.

Question - Why does the Reception appear undermanned?

Answer - We generally have only one Care Navigator working the front desk. This is to ensure patient confidentiality. We now have digital check in screens to save patients waiting in the queue.  We also aim to have the upstairs reception desk manned and once we have a full complement of staff we will be able to do this more.

Question - Why is there a Lack of privacy at reception?

Answer - We understand that patients will not always feel comfortable speaking at the front desk. If you need more privacy, please let our team know and you can be seen in the patient room next to the reception desk. 

Question - There is Confusion over the different sites and signage within Aspen?

Answer - We have now updated our signage across all three sites for continuity. These have been re positioned to be more visible and clearly direct patients to the site.  Both the Aspen Centre and Saintbridge surgery are being used for routine work with doctors and nursing staff.  Our ‘Hot Hub’, for potentially infectious patients, has relocated for now, to the Tuffley Branch surgery at Warwick Avenue. We hope in due course all three sites will open back up as normal. We will continue to keep you updated

Question - What is eConsult?

Answer - Look at this video for an explanation of eConsult and what you can use this for instead of queuing on the telephone 

Question - How can I contact the Practice?

Answer - There are 3 ways to contact the practice, by telephone, but you will have to wait in a queue, by writing directly to the practices, or via the practice website

On the home page click on the tile named Administration Office and you will land on the page below, where you can get help, feed back on performance, update your personal details, register as a new patient or Ask the practice a question

Patient Information Requests

Requests sent to the PPG for confidential requests will not be actioned and any such requests must be sent to the Practice via the website, by phone, or by registered mail.  The PPG will not accept or be liable for any requests with PID sent to the PPG mail account or through the contact page.

Farewell to Gill and Mary

The Aspen PPG would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to   Gill Brookes   and   Mary Haines   as they step down from their roles. Their de...