Friday, 17 December 2021

Dr Nicky Wilson

The PPG wishes to show its gratitude to Dr Nicky Wilson who has been the PPG Clinical Lead.  Nicky has been the senior partner supporting the PPG as part of her portfolio and has been instrumental in shaping the PPG with the group.  Nicky is moving on to other projects within the practice and has handed over to Dr Sam Kuok, who will take the clinical lead role for the PPG and work closely with the PPG to strengthen the links with the practice, and provide much needed support to develop the Aspen Community.  

The Chairman said "It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Nicky who is a dedicated and caring health professional, who is clearly driven to provide the best patient care to the patients who are registered at Aspen.  We are are very fortunate to have Sam take over from Nicky who is very energetic and strives to provide the same values that Nicky has displayed during her tenure" We would like to wish Nicky all the best in her next venture and welcome Sam to the PPG.

Farewell to Gill and Mary

The Aspen PPG would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to   Gill Brookes   and   Mary Haines   as they step down from their roles. Their de...