Hot Hub Doctor

The role of the Hot Hub Doctor is Seeing adults and children with infectious conditions

How would you describe a typical day?

Seeing patients along side another doctor at Tuffley Surgery where the hot hub is located

The Doctor will wear full PPE to keep them and patients safe

Treating patients who can be safely manged at home, sometimes with medication

Admitting patients to hospital or the Rapid Response team if they are very unwell

Helping the duty team with prescriptions

Dealing with test results and hospital letters

What do you enjoy about your job?

Speaking to patients and their families

Making sure patients get the help and treatment that they need

What challenges do you face in your role?  

It is hot working in PPE!

Sometimes if the rapid response team who can support patients at home are full we have to decide if a hospital admission is needed.

What advice would you give to patients?

Please have your mobile phone on – The Hot Hub Doctor will call you before we come and get you from your car, to get as much history remotely.

Please wear a face covering if you can and ask anyone with you to wear one too

Please don’t park across other residents’ driveways


Farewell to Gill and Mary

The Aspen PPG would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to   Gill Brookes   and   Mary Haines   as they step down from their roles. Their de...