Monday, 18 July 2022

Aspen PPG - Annual General Meeting July 2022

    The AGM will be held normally each year and no later than the end of July. Dates and timings will be confirmed at the previous PPG meeting.
    Notice of the day, time and place will be given via notice boards, website, social media, practice newsletter and by email to PPG members, being given at least 21 days' notice, to allow for nominations and absentee voting for members only.
    Any items for the agenda shall be sent to the secretary for consideration at least four weeks prior to the AGM date.  The AGM agenda will be confirmed by the Chair and vice chair. At the AGM the Chair and Treasurer will give a report before the election of officers
    Any member wishing to stand for any of the officer posts, must receive a nomination and be seconded (by two individual members), and nominations should ideally be sent into the Secretary prior to the AGM, who will confirm the receipt of this and to allow for absent voting. Once all nominations have been received and confirmed at the AGM, including any absentee votes, then the rest of the members vote, and it is the individual who receives most of the votes, who is voted into post. In the event of a tie, then the vote must be re-run. The term of office for each post must be elected annually at each AGM.
    Each member of office can only serve a maximum term of three years. 

Details of the meeting are as follows:

PPG AGM Agenda: Friday 29th July 2022, 17:00 - 18:30hrs

Meeting Details:

PPG Members In person Meeting at Aspen Medical Centre or Join MS Teams Link in the Meeting Request

Patients who wish to dial in, can do so using the details below

Join on your computer or mobile app: Click here to join the meeting

Or join by entering a meeting ID: Meeting ID: 341 781 404 19 | Passcode: Ao7RJq

Or call in (audio only) +44 20 3321 5208,180425920#   United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 180 425 920#

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