Saturday, 18 June 2022

WalkTalkWalk Shortlisted

Many congratulations to Gill and Sandra who have been shortlisted for a BBC Gloucestershire making a difference award.  

They were nominated for setting up the PPG ‘WalkTalkWalk’ group to enable Aspen patients to take part in gentle walks and tackle isolations and loneliness.  There have been a number of walks set up, which also includes refreshment breaks on route, giving everyone the opportunity to build on the community set up by the group. Everyone who attends the walks go at their own pace, ensuring that the slowest is not left behind and have the opportunity to talk with other likeminded patients in the group

The response and engagement from patients has been amazing. The feedback is very positive, folks saying they really welcome the opportunity to be outside for some gentle exercise and most of all, meeting others.

The winners will be announced in September at the Cheltenham Racecourse.  Well done both, you totally deserve this recognition.

Farewell to Gill and Mary

The Aspen PPG would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to   Gill Brookes   and   Mary Haines   as they step down from their roles. Their de...