Monday, 10 May 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week takes place on 10-16 May 2021 and this year's theme is nature.  To see more resources Click Here..........

The subject of mental health is a factor for everyone to consider in our day to day lives so why not continue to be kind, caring and take time to be considerate.  Its been a tough period for patients and staff at Aspen Medical Practice during the pandemic.  NHS staff have been labeled Hero's during the pandemic and patients have pulled together to support the vulnerable with acts of kindness.  As we start to return to some form of normality, staff are tired, exhausted and fatigued.  Patients are still poorly and need care and continued access to the practice.  Self isolation and restrictions imposed to keep us safe from the virus has seen mental health take a grip in some shape of form with everyone (Minor or Major).  

The next time you are visiting Aspen, please have some patience and show consideration whilst you are queuing for an appointment and remember the receptionist is there to help you.  Be kind and courteous!

Thank you in advance and remember support is available if you need it     

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