Sunday, 28 February 2021

Changes to the Aspen PPG

The Aspen Patient Participation Group are going through some governance and structural changes following the resignation of the former chairman Andrew Harding.  Throughout lockdown we have learnt that a change is required and we are looking at how the PPG will operate in the future.  We are reviewing our membership and will be inviting expressions of interest to complete an online application.  To help individuals understand what a PPG is, we have put some guidelines together.

What is a PPG?  A patient participation group (PPG) is a group of people who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff.  By promoting sustainable cooperation and collaboration between the medical staff and patients will support effective healthcare.  

Why?  From April 2016, it has been a contractual requirement for all English GP practices to form a PPG and to make reasonable efforts for this to be representative of the practice population.

How? The development of the PPG is down to the individual GP practice and they become responsible for all aspects of its functionality, from timescales, to membership, to roles and responsibilities.  Virtual PPGs are also now developing based on email networks and social media to enable the group to reach out to the wider diverse population. This will ensure engagement with all sections of the population including those from minority communities.  Whilst membership to a PPG is the responsibility of the practice, the National Association of Patient Participation (NAPP) states there are a number of ways PPGs can benefit their  GP practices, which include:

Advising the practice on the patient perspective

Organising health promotion events

Communicating with the wider patient body

Running volunteer services and support groups to meet local needs

Carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice (and their carers)

Influencing the practice to improve commissioning of health care services.

What will make a good PPG?  The PPG is here to support and work In partnership with the practice.  By building the relationship with the practice and it’s staff will be beneficial to the patients who are registered at the practice.  It is important that members are sensitive to the day to day running of the practice and be generous and supportive when approaching the practice.  With a constitution in place, it will clearly define how members will operate and conduct themselves with the practice and its staff.  Through building a structure fit for purpose we can ensure we have representation of all ages and be inclusive as well as diverse.  Adopting the core values of the medical center will ensure the PPG is aligned to the strategic direction of the practice and will have a common theme between the staff and the PPG.

What are the next steps?  The PPG membership will be holding an expressions of interest phase where patients can and have registered an interest to join the PPG.  We will be extending our membership to a maximum of 30 members inclusive of those serving on the sub committee.  Members appointed will be required to sign the constitution and can offer support in various positions to support the development of services provided by the practice.

Join the Aspen Patient Participation Group!

Are you passionate about improving healthcare services for the Aspen community? Do you want to help shape the way the Aspen Medical Practi...