Saturday, 27 November 2021

Men and Mental Health in BAME Communities

Bill Singh is an Expert by Experience and a Social Inclusion Volunteer with Gloucestershire Health Community Services.  He also a member of the Aspen Patient Participation Group and brings valued experience around Mental Health and the BAME community.  Read his latest blog that is published through GHC.

I was recently asked to write this blog about men in the ‘Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic’ (BAME) community and the stigma around mental health. The question raised is why males find it more difficult to access NHS mental health support services.  As an Expert who has Lived Experience of Mental Health Illness and being an Asian British male who has had the use of mental health support services, it is important to understand some of the complexities that many men face in the BAME community.  Click here to read more……….

Farewell to Gill and Mary

The Aspen PPG would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to   Gill Brookes   and   Mary Haines   as they step down from their roles. Their de...