Wednesday, 22 September 2021

September Countywide PPG Network Meeting

 Gloucestershire Patient Participation Group (PPG) Network 

Friday 24 September 2021 (10:00 – 11:30)

Link to meeting:

09:30            Login and technology problem solving

We will be online 30 minutes before the meeting starts to allow you (and us) time to ensure all technology is working as well as it can.

10:00            Welcome, programme for the morning, introductions and update

Becky Parish - Associate Director, Engagement and Experience

NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) 

10:10            Social Prescribing

Hannah Gorf – Commissioning Development Manager: Social Prescribing and Creative Health, NHS Gloucestershire CCG

Sam Couldrey - Social Prescribing Link Worker

Tewkesbury, West Cheltenham, Newent and Staunton Primary Care Network (TWNS PCN)

10:25            Spotlight on … Patient feedback

Susie Compton – Engagement Officer, Healthwatch Gloucestershire

Katherine Holland – Patient and Public Engagement Manager, NHS Gloucestershire CCG

11:10            AOB            

11:15           Sum up, messages and close main PPG network meeting - Becky Parish 

11:20           BREAK

11:30           Locality Session – Cotswolds    

12:00           Finish         

In preparation for the ‘Spotlight’ agenda item please find links to two relevant documents:

Reports and information of interest

  • Healthwatch Gloucestershire have also published the following report into social isolation and loneliness in Gloucestershire which I’m sure you will find interesting.

Let’s talk about social isolation and loneliness in Gloucestershire (Healthwatch Gloucestershire: September 2021)

NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group Annual General Meeting to be held Thursday 23 September 2021. Please use the link below for further information and to book a place.

To keep up to date with local healthcare news you can always visit

Farewell to Gill and Mary

The Aspen PPG would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to   Gill Brookes   and   Mary Haines   as they step down from their roles. Their de...