PPG Meeting Notes 14 Jan 2022


Aspen Medical Practice PPG Development Meeting

Friday 14th January 2022


Kevin Gannaway-Pitts (KGP), Gill Brook (GB), Dr Sam Kwok (SK), Fred Wood (FW), Zareen Ahmed (ZA), Mary Haines (MH), Bernie Fishpool (BF), Kate Edgar(KE), Bill Singh(BS), Sandra Nicholson(SN), Andrew Wrightson (AW).


Christine Hart (CH), Georgie Kemp (GK),

Agenda items & points of discussion:

1.     Welcome given to all attending in person and online (MS Teams).

The purpose of the session was introduced and agreed by those present.

       To review, discuss and agree the revised PPG Constitution based on previous PPG work on 20th October 2021

       To briefly explore the concept of patient experience

       To discuss and agree the priority and focus of work to be undertaken by the PPG

       Each to be able to articulate the skills knowledge and experience each can offer to the work

       To agree next steps

Introductions – everyone introduced themselves to SK giving a little information on their background plus knowledge and skills they brought to the PPG

2.     Notes of previous development session

·       Notes were reviewed by the group and agreed to be correct.

3.     Share information about Patient Experience (Beryl Institute 2020)

·      GB shared information on definition of patient experience as a refresher and to help ensure consensus in PPG discussions (see enclosed/attached - Patient Experience Summary)

4.     Review the revised PPG Constitution

·      The Constitution version 1.3 that had been drawn up from development session 1 in October 2021. This was reviewed and discussed by page. The following points discussed and/changes to be made

o   Section 2: Practice Values: Discussion on the word ‘Greenification’ – suggestion was made to add an explanation - developing an eco-friendly and sustainable environment

o   Relationships – change wording to developed and maintained

o   Section 2.1.1 wording changed to patient information booklet provided on Registration

o   Section 2.3.2 wording changed to at each PPG meeting with update meetings with the Chair and Vice chair of the PPG between these meetings and as required

o   Practice staff will be aware of the role & purpose of the PPG

o   A clear process of how this will be achieved will be developed e.g. at staff induction and staff meeting updates

o   Section 3 Membership:  discussion on PPG size and number of members – agree between 15 & 20. With others being co-opted on to specific working groups for a defined period

o   Section 4.1

§  Title/Heading of Committee changed to PPG; details added to give greater clarity on composition and functioning of the PPG

§  Clarity on financial management made – Cheques or electronic payments will be formally approved by the Treasurer and the Chair

o   Section 4.2.1: The AGM – through discussion agree the AGM would take place in June each year

o   Section 4.2.2 A Special meeting: clarity given that PPG members will be informed by email

o   Section 4.2.3 Regular meetings:

§  agreed that the main body of the PPG will meet every three months with monthly update meetings of the Chair, vice chair and secretary with the GP rep.

§  PPG member attendance requirements and action taken for repetitive nonattendance clarified

o   Section 4.6 Constitution Review: agreed annual review (June) and management of significant changes if required before that time

               ACTION 1: GB to undertake changes and circulate for final agreement       

5.     Update from SK re practice challenges and developments

·      Recruitment challenge of both clinical and reception staff. Aspen MC are now offering a career pathway for reception personnel with progression from receptionist, foundation navigator, advanced navigator and finally to doctors’ assistant (the latter requires external training).

·      Staff sickness due to COVID -   having the virus itself/ isolating due to contact / impact on mental wellbeing.

·      Increase in clinical staff, other than GPs, planned, e.g. nurse practitioners, minor illness practitioners.

·      Telephone system – Aspen are moving to a new provider – X-on and Queue Buster in April/May 2022.This will help in reducing waiting times for patients contacting the Practice by telephone as it will have a call back system.

·      Aspen is a Training Practice for Doctors but hasn’t had an Education Supervisor for some time – will have one in 2022. Update will be given at next meeting

6.     Working Group Development Review

Each working group reviewed, people’s membership of them and next steps

6.1 Carers working Group: to include Young Carers and Bereavement: Eve Butler has retired from the leadership of this PPG working group after several years of very successful work (see previous PPG meeting minutes). Following discussion, in which SK explained that Rachel Buckley the Frailty lead nurse in the Practice was the Carers lead and had good networks and links to support carers, it was agreed that, at this point in time, there would not be a PPG working group but that updates on carers may be given by Rachel and she would approach the PPG for support on any specific aspect she felt required this

6.2 Mental Health (MH)Working Group:  it was agreed that this was an area that PPG contribution would be welcomed by the Practice.


o   BS, KE and ZA will take this work forward initially exploring and scoping the potential contribution /work of the group. Draft terms of reference will be drawn up once this is achieved. Time scale to be confirmed     

o   SK to seek a link person GP or other clinical professional to join this group

6.3: Armed Forces Veterans Group: This was vital work that need to continue from the significant achievements to date with GK. KGP had several important contacts and excellent networks to further develop the work and support of Veterans in the Practice. FW agreed to join this group with his Armed Forces experience & knowledge being an important contribution. Rachel Buckley (RB) was a key contact in the Practice for this work  


·      KGP to contact RB to arrange a meeting with PPG the members

·      Purpose and Terms of Reference to be drafted

·      Action plan to be drawn up and agreed

6.4 Health Living:

o   The Walk Talk Walk Group, facilitated by GB and SN is going well with walks now every 2 weeks. Two more volunteers to support the Group, helping to sustain its ongoing existence are urgently required

o   Links with the Eat Real Food Group run by Millie xxx will be made to promote each other’s group.

It was agreed that this was the PPG’s key contribution to the healthy living agenda. Feedback from participants indicated its value to them.

6.5  Communication Engagement and Digital Group

This group had already had one meeting with the Practice, drafted and agreed terms of reference and had an action plan to focus its work.GB led this group. Other members are BF, ZA, FW, Salina Wathen not at this meeting) and AW. It was agreed that the group would play an important role in the digitalisation of the NHS (primary care) ensuring it was fir for purpose and accessible/ easy to use for and to as many patients as possible.  The work also includes supporting patients accessing services easily and well; developing information needed by patients in the form of frequently asked questions (e.g. how can I get my test results? Etc) and in accessible format.  this will help manage expectations of patients. Also making it easy to give feedback easily -  both positive or negative and giving feedback from the Practice on what patients have said( themes) sharing what has been done etc. e.g.’ You Said …. We did…’

       ACTION 4

o   GB to share Terms of Reference (once changes are made in relation to the revised Constitution) & action plan to help other groups to use the templates going forwards

o   Group to meet to review and prioritise potential work in line with the Practice and patient needs

      6.6 Diversity Group

o   it was agreed that this group would not exist as separate entity for the moment. All Groups will integrate equality and diversity into their working ensuring meeting notes reflect this.

      6.7 Long term Conditions Group:  

o   it was agreed that there was currently no specific work in this field


7.     Summary of the work today and key actions

GB summarised the development session today.

o   The discussed changes will be made to the Constitution and circulated for final agreement

o   KGP highlighted some core elements of our role as a PPG – working with the practice without overreaching, starting with small steps, see it as an evolving role, keep things sustainable, and think about what support we can give to make the practice’s job easier and the experience of patients the best it can be 

o   The key working groups are

o   Armed Forces Veterans

o   Mental Health

o   Healthy Living- WTW Group

o   Communication, Engagement and Digital Group

PPG members to note and take forward the actions prior to the next meeting 

8.0 Member contributions:

Each member attending this development session articulated their skills, knowledge and experience that they brought to the PPG and their contribution to specific working groups:

·       KE - Interested in the MH Group work, bringing knowledge, skills and experience as a clinical psychologist and so also bringing research skills, experience in survey development etc. Kate is also Secretary to the PPG

·      FW – interested the Armed Forces Veterans and Comms and Engagement Groups. Fred was an Army Officer and has also worked for the Ministry of Defence. He has been City Councillor and brings skills and knowledge of risk management and governance and is able to see the wider perspective.

·      ZA - has worked in community development with a strong interest in equality and diversity; she currently works with victims of trauma in a nonclinical role. Her interest is in how people engage and access services/help and will use her skills and knowledge in the MH working group and other areas as required

·      MH – has been an active member of the PPG for many years aways supporting Practice activity e.g. Supporting Flu and Covid Clinics

·      BF – has worked in education teaching students ‘not to frightened of IT’!! She is part of the Comms engagement and digital Group.

·      BS - works in Mental Health peer support and will therefore contribute to the MH working Group.

·      SN – has worked in the NHS and in private sector as a clinical pharmacy. In retirement she has worked as a volunteer in the CAB and in Healthwatch.  Her current work includes WTW Group - reflecting helping to improve people’s overall wellbeing, Sandra also will contribute in helping limit digital exclusion of patients in accessing health services etc. through the Comms, Engagement & Digital Group work.

·       AW- has worked in the Construction industry e.g. power stations and volunteers in other capacities including the Food Bank. His interest is in the Comms, Engagement and Digital group work, as well as carers and mental health

·      GB - has worked clinically as both a paediatric and adult nurse and also in management roles in clinical governance, quality management and as Head of Patient Experience in two acute trusts. She is passionate about working with patients to deliver patient centred care and services and helping them improve their own health. The focus of her contribution is as Vice Chair, PPG lead for the Comms Engagement & Digital Group and co facilitator of the WTW Group with SN  

·      KGP -  Currently working with the Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group as Head of Digital Primary Care with 18 years’ experience in the NHS.  This followed 25 years serving in the Irish Guards retiring in the rank as WO1 Regimental Sergeant Major.  Interests are Health & Wellbeing and sharing knowledge and experience to support and provide leadership with the PPG. develop      

9        Next meeting:  April 2022, date & time to be confirmed

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