Patient Participation Group Constitution

1.  Name:

The name of the group shall be Aspen Medical Practice Patient Participation Group

2.  Role, Objectives and Responsibilities of PPG:

The Role of our PPG is to promote and sustain co-operation between the Practice and patients to the benefit of both.

2.1   Role:

  • Being a critical friend to the practice
  • Advising the practice on the patient perspective and providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services;
  • Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health;
  • Carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice;
  • Organising health promotion events and improving health literacy;
  • Regular communication with the patient population.

2.2   Objectives:

  • Grow the Aspen Community for patients
  • To support and build a two-way relationship between patients and the Practice.
  • To gather and collate opinion from patients via a range of sources, and to comment and offer opinion on these views to representatives of the Practice.
  • To encourage development and quality of health promotion and health care services.
  • To help the Practice with events such as flu vaccine clinics.
  • To encourage patients to join the PPG.
  • To provide regular information via newsletter and Practice website in order to keep patients up to date with events.
  • To encourage and promote co-operation with other PPG’S. 

2.3  Responsibilities:

2.3.1  Responsibilities of the PPG

2.3.2  Responsibilities of the Practice

  • Aspen Medical Practice agrees to have at least one representative of the Practice at each meeting.
  • The Practice will make every effort to ensure that the constituent elements of the group are representative of the practice patient demographic, with a range of patient interests represented.
  • Whilst these are the initial objectives of the Practice, they are open to change and discussion by the PPG and the Practice to ensure continual development and improvement.

3.  Membership:

Membership is open to all patients registered at the Practice. The maximum membership will be 30. This number will be reviewed annual in line with changes to the practice size.  Removal of a PPG member from the practice list, for whatever reason, will disqualify continuing membership of the Group.  The Group and practice may approach individuals within the PPG with an invitation to be considered for specific roles within the PPG.

4.  General Principles of Operations

4.1  Committee:

 The PPG will elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and a Treasurer if required.

  • These positions will be re-elected yearly for a maximum term of three years.
  • When a committee member resigns all documentation accumulated is passed on to the secretary.
  • The Chair will arrange and distribute the agenda for each meeting.
  • The Chair will be the direct link between the Group and the practice.
  • The Vice Chair will deputise for the Chair where they are unable to attend or have to stand down from office, before a new Chair is elected.
  • The Secretary will take minutes at each meeting and distribute those to members.
  • If needed a bank account will hold the finances and a regular update of the account will be given by the Treasurer. Any cheques issued must be signed by the Treasurer or the Chair.
  • If behaviour by a member damages the reputation of the PPG or the practice they will resign from the Group with immediate effect.
  • A sub-committee may be appointed to carry out a specific tasks.
  • The sub-committee must update the committee at PPG meetings and if thought necessary ask for further help and support.

4.2   Meetings  

4.2.1  The Annual General Meeting:

  • The AGM will be held annually each year with dates and timings confirmed at the PPG committee. Notice of the day, time and place will be given via notice boards, website, and social media and by email to PPG members. Any items for the agenda shall be sent to the secretary for consideration at least four weeks prior to the AGM date. At the AGM the Chair and Treasurer will give a report before the election of officers
  • A person must receive a nomination and seconded before being voted into post by the majority membership. 
  • The term of office for each post must be elected annually at each AGM.
  • Each member of office can only serve a maximum term of three years.

4.2.2  A Special General Meeting:

  • Shall be held if not less then one third of the members of the Group request it by email or in writing, stating the reasons to the Chair or the practice.
  • The date of the meeting shall be advertised in the practice and via the website and social media at least 14 days in advance and must be held within 28 days of the receipt of the request.
  • The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss and vote on the proposal contained in the written request.

4.2.3  Regular Meetings:

  • The group shall meet monthly, meeting with the practice bi-monthly.
  • The group will be responsible for discussing agenda items and bringing to the attention of the practice any issues raised by patients.  
  • Failure to attend meetings with no apology will be followed up by the Chair or Secretary as a courtesy check on members

4.2.4  Quorum:

  • Attendance of at least 5 members at the time of any meeting shall constitute a quorum for agenda items to be discussed and agreed.

4.2.5  Minutes:

  • The Secretary shall record attendance and all proceedings and resolutions in the form of minutes which shall be agreed by members at the next meeting. Minutes will be distributed to all members following the meeting. 

4.2.6  Voting:

  • All decisions shall be carried by a simple majority of votes cast.
  • All PPG members hold one vote
  • The Practice shall hold one vote.
  • In the event of a tie the Chairman will have the casting vote.
  • No member shall exercise more than one vote.

4.3  Finance:

  • Should fundraising activities be undertaken by the group all monies raised by or on behalf of the group shall only be applied to further the objectives in the group. In the In In the event that fundraising activities be undertaken, the Group will elect a Treasurer who will keep accounts of the finances of the group.
  • The accounts shall be inspected by an independent examiner appointed by the Group whose reports shall be presented at the AGM.

4.4  Communications:

  • Any communications from the Group to the practice should be directed to the Risk & Compliance Manager, and ideally through the Chair.
  • Members will only use this route to discuss PPG business and not issues relating to personal issues or grievances.
  • The Risk & Compliance will endeavour to respond to communications within fourteen days, however the Group will be supportive during times of increased workload and extenuating circumstances.

4.5  Dissolution:

  • Should the Group decide it is necessary to dissolve, it shall call a Special General Meeting in accordance with paragraph 4.2.2 of this constitution.
  • If such a decision is confirmed, the Group shall have the power to dispose of any assets held.
  • Any assets remaining after satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable purposes for the patients of the practice.

    4.6 Constitution Review

·   The constitution is a working document that sets out the terms of reference of the group and is subject to a quarterly review in which a working group assigned by the PPG will bring recommendations back to the group for ratification.

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